Friday, November 16, 2007

High Definition Happiness TV?

(Read using the voice of Andy Rooney)

"I don't own a high-def TV yet, but the HDTV commercials are simply the most vivid stuff on my regular TV screen.

So how many people run out and buy a Hi-Def TV after watching the commercial on their regular set?

What do they actually see? And, if a commercial tells you- "...You don't know what you're missing." - how does that fit into this equation?

A question for HD owners:

Do Hi-Def commercials on an HDTV hurt or something? Do they mess up your hair? Can you step in and back out of the screen-- just during the commercial?

Maybe the industry installs safety buffer filtering to protect Hi-Def owners from advertisement related injuries or extra-dimensional "travel" incidents. Yeah, that must be it.

Remember this old ad for Maxell tape?

Today, this guy could be watching an HDTV commercial on his Hi-Def set."

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